Industrial Facilities

$40 Billion per year: the cost to maintain and repair our industrial and power plants​​.
Equipment failures lead to downtime which can cost asset owners millions of dollars per day.
Vibrations and mechanical stress are the leading cause of failures for industrial equipment such as pumps, compressors, motors and more.
E.O.I Technologies creates hardware-less IIoT networks for industrial asset owners seeking access to exclusive data and analytics in challenging environments. We have developed a non-contact, remote, laser-based and multi-point vibration and displacement sensing technology. Our proprietary LaserSenseTM technology addresses an important gap within the IIoT space where deployment of traditional sensors is simply impossible. This positions us to tackle the toughest challenges where data collection and predictive analytics is critical. Our technology is cost-effective, rugged and can measure a wide variety of targets and provide actionable predictive and preventive analytics in real time.
Now finishing development of our second generation of LaserSenseTM devices, we are seeking corporate partners to collaborate with on small scale pilot projects, as we push the boundaries of what is possible when it comes to critical data collection.
Current practices are limited and not scalable
There is no easy way to tell when assets will fail.
Current sensors can only monitor a single location at a time and require manual installation, which is not always possible (hot, curved, inaccessible surfaces, etc.)​​.
Large-scale deployment requires thousands of individual sensors and high capital investment​​.
Or, owners must keep relying on costly manual inspections, which are limited in scope.

Introducing LaserSense™
Remotely monitors vibrations of equipment and infrastructure at thousands of unique locations.​
LaserSense™ performs diagnostics and health monitoring, and sends real-time data to a dashboard​​​.
Our complete solution improves operational safety, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.